Thursday, 18 December 2014

Day 48 - Messing about with appointments

Well I was going to write this last night, but I got distracted by MUD with Lonely this Christmas popping on Vintage TV, and they always did make me melt then, and still do now when I hear them, so I melted into the sofa, and that was it – mind gone blank. But I will talk about me and MUD another time, it's my anger with the NHS that I have right now that is today's subject.

Anger is to many a worthless past time, and most of the time I would subscribe to that sentiment, but where the NHS is concerned at present in my life and that of my family and friends, it is well directed towards the NHS, in particular that part that covers Leicestershire. I am normally quite placid and always try to be friendly and courtious towards the staff I come in contact with, but there is only so much anyone person can take, and I have reached my limit.

As I probably explained before, I was unable to make the appointment with the Consultant on 8 December, due to a sudden onset migraine with vomiting, and there was no way I could drive, so I phoned and had to leave a message on an answerphone, I asked during this message for them to ring me with another appointment date. Well you guessed it, I didn't get a phone call. But have since received a letter dated 9 December making another appointment for 12 January. To be honest I was quite glad that I wouldn't have to go back there again before the holidays.

What a surprise I then had, when I then received a text very late at night, confirming my appointment on 22 December. Of course these appointments texts don't go so far as to tell you what department your visiting, so this meant a phone call the next day to find out more details. Oh Boy! Was I in for a surprise, the person said it was for the same department, and the appointment for 12 January was cancelled! Then they gave me some line that another department had sent out the wrong letter, they should have sent the letter cancelling 12 January, and re-arranging it for 22 December!!!!!!! It's at this point you forget about your hair turning grey, as you are ever so slowly pulling it out one strand at a time.

Fast forward to 17 December, when yet another letter arrives from the Hospital, regarding the appointment I had to postpone on 8 December due to the migraine – if you remember – but obviously nobody at the hospital ever listens to messages, let alone passes them on. This letter is from the Consultant who just tells my GP that I did not attend and never gave any explanation!!!

Am I going to have a good fun appointment on Monday, especially as I already wanted to take them to task about them thinking I am 66 years old. Hell it's bad enough being 56, without them adding on 10 years just for the hell of it.

Then to cap it all the news on TV this evening is going on about how many operations are being cancelled in hospitals locally. If people were taken less to hospital for finger ache or being out of their tiny brains on drink, there would be more time and effort spent on those who have genuine illnesses. Believe me I know, I was taken to A&E some weeks back, and the numbers of people there because of intoxication was unreal, then they become abusive or anti-social – spitting was the one that was brought in when I was there.

Here's an idea, lets take all the intoxicated one's and drop them off at the local dog warden's place, so the Dog warden will have extra helpers, and the hospital will have more time to diagnose and give better care and treatment to those who are ill. This will probably get more of our Police officers back on their real job of catching criminals etc. The Police are NOT babysitters for teens who think it's good to get wasted every weekend. How many are repeat offenders I wonder??? Would they do it so often if they were taken to the Dog Warden???

I will be back again – probably Monday when I have had my appointment, for now I need bed as we have multiple deliveries tomorrow – food and Xmas presents, then I have to get the presents wrapped and in the post or with the Courier.

Hugs to you all

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